I S S U E 10
Eric T. Racher
Sonnet X
For Susanne K. Langer and John Coltrane, written (mostly) inside
a quote from Wittgenstein’s Tractatus
‘The world [put under mind for verb and noun
in the unfolding of the object seen,
cognized in absentia, jotted down
upon the brain’s scratch-pad, which thus, like spleen
or heart, performs its task—symbolic trans-
formation of experience—(What ghost
there is is there, is the machine, perchance?),
unmeasured and unchiselled in its post,
brought into focus with articulate
but non-discursive form, informing ray
that underwrites the symbol, intricate
with detail’s “thinking with the things as they
exist”] is everything that is the case.’
The symbol, cause and cure of grace, disgrace.
Eric T. Racher lives in Riga, Latvia. He is the author of a pamphlet of poetry, Five Functions Defined on Experience: For Jay Wright (2021).